Do you have trouble remembering to get your prescriptions refilled on time? Do you make several trips to the pharmacy each month when one trip would be more convenient? We have a solution for you.
Your local Best Drugs of Trenton will enroll you in our patient Convenience program and have all of your medication refills ready on the same day each month. We will work with you to schedule your refills and contact before they are due. We plan several days ahead to make sure you have refills on file and we have your drugs in stock. If you have a new prescription, we will only fill enough to last you until your scheduled refill date. This way we keep all of your medications on the same schedule.
How do I enroll in the Convenience program?
You can enroll by calling your Best Drugs of Trenton Pharmacist – (352) 463-2240
How does it work?
1. You first enroll by calling your local Best Drugs of Trenton pharmacy and speaking with your pharmacist.
2. We work with you to coordinate your refills on the same date each month, at a time convenient for you. We will contact you 3-5 days before your refill date to confirm your refills are needed and determine if there have been changes in your medications since your last visit.
3. You can pick up all of your medications at a convenient time. We also provide free delivery.
4. Your pharmacist is always available to consult with you and will help if you are unable to take your medications, for any reason. We always screen for drug interactions and potential medication side effects when filling your prescriptions.
5. A Patient Advocate is also available for consultation and may be able to find ways to save you money.
6. The Convenience program helps you take the correct medications at the right time, every month. You can maintain better health if your medications are taken properly.
7. Your pharmacist can also recommend and provide appropriate immunizations for you, as well as help monitor your blood pressure and blood glucose levels.
Patient Benefits
1. You, your pharmacist, and Patient Advocate work as a team to keep you healthier.
2. You save time, potentially money, and worry less about having the medications you need, when you need them.